Pictures from my walk to and from work.
Each Friday, the students in the Washington Seminar program (that we are apart of) take tours of government buildings and/or listen to business men and women speak about their careers and lives meant to be a sort-of career-inspiration session. All of the speakers are amazingly successful and professional people who are typically LDS or related to Brigham Young University or the church in some way. As a result, we have been blessed to hear a lot of testimonies of God and His role in their lives.
On Friday we heard from a group of men in the U.S. Department of State building and one in particular literally had us crying in laughter. He and his wife work for the Foreign Service and they have been all over the world, particularly to gorgeous tropical islands. He spoke of his experiences. And next thing we knew, he was crying because he was touched. "I don't mean to make this a testimony meeting," he said. He needed to tell us something, he said, about what is truly important. "The Department of State is going to say 'who' when I am in a nursing home." I will always remember these words! He then told us about the importance of family, of our faith and our service.
It was a much needed reminder. Everyone here is always very surprised and shocked to hear that we are married. Most people here are successful business people who married at thirty-eight and had a child right away (not that there is anything wrong with that). For me, it is sometimes embarrassing. I would not change getting married when I did for anything, but I never like being in the spotlight for being "odd" by any means. It was a pleasant reminder from this man that our relationships are most important. Our faith is most important, and especially our service because of our faith.
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